The Let's Play Archive

Emily Is Away

by Blind Sally, et al.

Part 1: The only winning move is not to Coldplay.

Let's Play Dash Rendar Is Away - "The only winning move is not to Coldplay"

Welcome to Emily Is Away! This is a free game on Steam. If you would like to play it, you should go play it. It's free, it's short, and it's definitely worth the experience! Link is here:

The Steam page describes the game as "an interactive story" where you "[c]reate a screenname and choose your path through [a] branching narrative". To be honest, though, the branches are largely superficial and they all basically end up with the friendship between Dash Rendar and Emily withering and dying. The only question is how quickly do you want this friendship to die and how awkward do you want its death to be? So come join us as we play the voices in Dash Rendar's head and attempt to maintain a long distance friendship by only talking to Emily once a year over an instant messenger service.